How We Worship

Shared Worship

At St. Augustine’s, our shared worship is at the center of our community life. Our services follow many of the worship traditions and seasons of the liturgical year. For newcomers, some elements of a service might seem confusing. The most important things to remember is that ALL are welcome here and you can’t do anything wrong! We are just happy you are here! 

What We Believe

The Episcopal Church is rich in history and tradition. However, the center of our faith is belief in a risen Jesus Christ whose teachings and life bring wholeness, hope, and love to us as individuals and to the world. As Episcopalians, we believe that God loves you – No exceptions! As Episcopalians, we are part of the worldwide Anglican Communion and share a common following of the Holy Scriptures and seek to live our lives in the faith and practice of bringing God’s love to each other and our world. Our active faith is grounded on tradition, scripture, and reason.

The Episcopal Church on Whidbey

The communities of Whidbey Island are served by two Episcopal churches: St. Stephen’s (Oak Harbor) and St. Augustine’s In-the-Woods (Freeland). While located respectively on the North and South ends of the island, our members come from across the island. The two congregations work hand-in-hand and share a common commitment to serving our Whidbey Island community and our amazing natural resources.

If you would like to see the locations of all the Episcopal Churches in the Diocese of Olympia (Western Washington), click below.

In-person & Virtual

During the pandemic, St. Augustine’s pivoted to ensuring our community remained connected and supported. Our worship services on Sunday, Monday Evensong, and Wednesday morning Healing Service are both in-person and live-streamed. We continue to explore and develop ways we can use technology and social media to keep us connected.

To access links to live-streamed services, click below.