Lifelong Formation

In the Episcopal Church, Christian formation is defined as a "lifelong process of growing in relationship with God, self, others, and all creation." It is transformative and guides us to becoming the person God wants us to be.  For each of us this is a continuous process of learning in ways that are formal and informal, personal and in community, and involve both action and reflection.  At St. Augustine's we offer Christian formation activities throughout the year for adults and for young people, such as Godly Play.

Morning and Evening Programs:

These programs are organized by the adult formation committee. Our parish offers programming following an academic year model.

  • Meets on Wednesday after the Healing Service to discuss books on current theological themes in addition to books for Advent, Lent, persons such as the Beguines or Mary Magdalene.

    Learn More

  • A reflection on the scriptures for the next Sunday along with the passages for that Sunday

    This Week’s Study

  • Using the Lectio Divina meditation method the group contemplates the meaning of a passage in their lives.

    This Week’s Meditation

  • Weekly updates from the Diocese of Olympia

    This Week’s Diocesan News

Black History Month

(A Short List of) Black History Month Resources


·       The Church of England. Liturgical resources

·       St Margret’s, Bellevue. Black History Month celebration opportunities

·       St Clement’s, Seattle. History of St Clement’s

·       AAA. Black History landmarks in the Pacific Northwest

·       The Seattle PI. A Timeline of Black History in Washington State

·       Trinity Episcopal Church, New Orleans. A Black History “Playlist”

·       The Diocese of Iowa. Read Watch and Listen list

·       St Ambrose Episcopal Church, Raleigh. Celebrating Black Saints

·       The Episcopal Church. Black bishops of the Episcopal Church

·       The Pauli Murray Center


Juneteenth Pilgrimage

A Juneteenth Pilgrimage to St. David Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Honor of Edwin T. Pratt, a civil rights leader murdered in 1969 took place on June 19, 2024

Diocese of Olympia Civil Rights Pilgrimage

October 2023

The Rev. Canon Carla Robinson, The Rev. Canon Britt Olson, and The Rev. Bryon Hansen recently led a transformative 10-day Civil Rights Pilgrimage! This pilgrimage is rooted in the movements for racial justice and the people of courage who have gone before us. We will walk in their footsteps from Atlanta to Memphis as we strengthen our own commitment to “strive for justice and peace among all people and to respect the dignity of every human being.” Participating from St. Augustine’s was Dick Hall, Rev. Dorian McGlannon, and Dorian’s friend, Sasha.

Celtic Saints Pilgrimage

Wales and Ireland, May 2024

A 12-day journey in the footsteps of the Celtic saints of Wales and Ireland, discovering how ancient faith and practices have relevance for today.

Learning Resources at St. Mark’s Cathedral


In recent years the Wisdom School has focused on themes of Desire (2020-22), Embodied Spirituality (2022-23), Place & Memory (2023-24). Continuing the trajectory, this year the thematic focus is on healing and hope. An energizing hope is not some easy optimism; rather, it is a courageous assent to the alternative ways of God that restore, renew, and heal. With or without “cure,” healing happens precisely when a fiercely hopeful shalom breaks into our struggles and suffering as gift.

Archives exhibit chronicles evolving roles of women in The Episcopal Church

From early work to support church missions to the struggle for equal representation in church leadership and ordination, the history of women in the church is told in “For the Extension of the Kingdom: Women of The Episcopal Church,” a comprehensive online exhibit curated and presented by The Archives of The Episcopal Church.

Young People

Godly Play PLUS (ages 4-11), 10:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.:  During the 10:30 service children from 4 to 11 learn that God is with them not only here or there but everywhere. St. Augustine’s, using the Godly Play program, offers lessons each Sunday from September to June