The people of God sing; music is a gift of God
Music is capable of evoking powerful emotions. Music reaches and expresses our deepest feelings far more powerfully than words alone. Hearts are stirred and feet set to tapping. It is a reminder of God in the midst of the chaos and storms of life. The role of choirs and musicians is to aid the whole people of God in their worship.
St. Augustine’s Choir
After a long hiatus during COVID, the St. Augustine’s Choir has restarted. The choir is under the direction of the Missioner for Music, Henry Lebedinsky. The choir is generally accompanied on the church’s magnificent Pasi Pipe Organ, but the piano, flute, harp, cello and other instruments are also often heard. Contact the office for information about joining the choir.
Henry Lebedinsky, Missioner for Music at St. Augustine’s
Henry's compositions for choir and organ are published by Paraclete Press, Carus-Verlag Stuttgart, and CanticaNOVA, and two volumes of his poetry and hymns are in preparation. He holds degrees from Bowdoin College and the Longy School of Music, where he earned a Master of Music in historical organ performance as a student of Peter Sykes.
The Sophia Singers
The Sophia Singers is a women’s a cappella group that provides music for numerous community events as well as occasional Eucharist celebrations at St. Augustine’s in-the-Woods.
Whidbey Island Music Festival
St. Augustine’s is pleased to have a long relationship with Tekla Cunningham and the Whidbey Island Music Festival. Through this partnership, St. Augustine’s is able to host great music. This is part of what we believe is our purpose for being here on Whidbey Island—to share the wonder and gift of music with the community.
Click below for more information about Whidbey Island Music concerts at St. Augustine’s and elsewhere.