Special Events
Learn more about our upcoming and annual events at
St. Augustine’s in-the-woods. See photos from past events.
Holiday Market
Saturday, November 9th, 2024
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
The Holiday Market at St. Augustine’s is possible through the generous men and women giving their time and energy to handcraft items for the sale. The sale takes place in November and has raised thousands of dollars for donations to local charities on South Whidbey.
This year’s recipients: Oasis for Animals; CADA- Citizens Against Domestic Abuse; Blackseed Farms; South Whidbey Toys for Tots.
Trash & Treasure Sale
The Trash and Treasure Sale is possible through the generous donations of gently used items. Items donated include housewares, linens, jewelry, tools, garden items, artwork, and much more. The next sale will be April 20, 2024. All proceeds go to local charities on Whidbey Island. For more information, contact the church office.
Martin Luther King, Jr. "Blessed are the Peacemakers"
Did You Know? At least 25 individuals are directly involved as participants in this year’s Martin Luther King, Jr. event. Most are St. Augustine’s parishioners and St. Augustine’s Episcopal Peace Fellowship members, but also includes people from across Whidbey Island.
St. A's Community Picnic 2024
Watch for the 2025 Date!
Our Parish Picnic happens around August every year and is a great time to get to know your fellow parishioners. You won’t want to miss this fun event!
Blessing of the Animals
In honor of St. Francis of Assisi, we invite everyone to bring their animal friends to the Blessing of the Animals Celebration. This event is for those of us that share our lives with animals, for the animal companions who are serving us and have served us by greatly enriching our lives. This year, we celebrated. on Sunday, October 6, 2024. 2:00 pm
Annual Stewardship Campaign in October
The theme of this year’s stewardship campaign is “Sharing in Abundance.”
“Stewardship is a centering time for remembering who we are as a community and what matters to us. During this time of stewardship, May God be a compass in your heart, guiding you to where you belong.” (Rev. Jenny)
All Saints Day and Stewardship Brunch
On Sunday, November 3rd, the St. Augustine’s community gathered to commemorate the saints in our lives and to celebrate the shared abundance of this Stewardship Season. Brunch was prepared and served by the Vestry and Stewardship Committee.