Greening Committee
Acknowledging our baptismal call to be stewards of creation, we offer guidance and support for congregational implementation of best environmental “green” practices within our common life, both as individuals and as a community.
Caring for God’s Creation
Green-In Reach
The members of the Greening Committee regularly take all church recyclables (paper, glass, aluminum and appropriate plastics) to the transfer station. Each committee member volunteers to do this task for a month at a time. In addition we maintain the compost bins for compostable waste from our kitchen. The goal of all these efforts is to significantly reduce our church’s landfill footprint.
The Greening Committee is committed to knowledge sharing on pressing environmental issues with our sisters and brothers in the congregation. We do this with posters, handouts, film screenings, and speakers and guest preachers from environmental advocacy organizations.
The Greening Committee coordinates with the Arts & Aesthetics Committee to sponsor Narthex photography, art and narrative presentations that highlight not only the beautiful flora and fauna of Whidbey Island and the Puget Sound region, but also the work of local organizations such as the Whidbey Camano Land Trust and the Organic Farm School.
The members of the Greening Committee provide information on an ongoing basis on local, state, national and global environmental issues and initiatives with posts in the E-Pistle and in-depth articles for “The Light”.
The Greening Committee sponsors a number of events in support of Earth and Ocean Month every April, culminating with a special liturgy on the Sunday following Earth Day. This service includes prayers, readings and music focused on our commitment to care for Mother Earth, “our Fragile Island Home”. There are also opportunities throughout the year for members of the congregation to participate in work parties to beautify our Meditation Trail as well as the green areas in proximity to our church building on Honeymoon Bay Road and the nearby Trillium Community Forest.
Green Partnerships
Earth Ministries
Greening Congregations Collaborative
Whidbey Camano Land Trust
Island County
Get in-touch with us if you would like more information about Greening Congregations, Green In-reach or Green Partnerships and how you can help