Get to know Rev. Jenny
The Reverend Jennifer B. Cleveland arrived at St. Augustine’s in November 2022. Raised in Seattle, with a life-long connection to Lopez Island (just up the road and a ferry ride away), she is thrilled to be here, after serving in churches in Eastern Washington, the Chicago area, and in Western Oregon.
She and her husband, Stewart Stout, were engaged in the development of a Spanish-speaking congregation in Yakima, Washington, and she comes to St. Augustine-in-the Woods after fifteen years of serving as school chaplain for PreK - 12th grade students and their families at Oregon Episcopal School, Portland, Oregon. She and Stewart have two adult children who are currently studying in Brazil (Nick) and in Seattle (Becca). While various animals have graced their household over the years, currently their cat, Mickey, rules the roost.
A big sign greets all at the entrance to St. Augustine’s-in-the-Woods: Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, all are welcome here! Since my first week here, in November 2022, I have discovered that this wide, warm welcome is truly at the heart of this community. What does that mean, practically?
We welcome all people.
We value questions and inquiry.
We seek to love and serve our neighbor, putting justice and love into action.
We work collaboratively with others on Whidbey who seek the well-being of all who live on this island (people, flora and fauna) and the Salish Sea that surrounds it.
We delight in our animal companions and the wild animals all around.
We worship in song and word, through traditional Episcopal services, Evensong, Healing Eucharists, Creation liturgies, and more.
Many people first come to St. Augustine-in-the-Woods in order to attend a concert or spend time in the gardens. Many return again and again because of the authentic warmth they discover. Particularly during this post-pandemic time of reconnection, St. Augustine-in-the-Woods seeks to be a healing community, full of deep joy.
With you on the journey,
Rev. Jenny+