Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here

St. Augustine’s-in-the-Woods Episcopal Church, Freeland, WA

Meet Reverend Jenny

A big sign greets all at the entrance to St. Augustine’s-in-the-Woods: Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, all are welcome here! Since my first week here, in  November 2022, I have discovered that this wide, warm welcome is truly at the heart of this community.

With you on the journey,

Rev. Jenny+

Weekly Worship Services


8:00 am

10:30 am

Holy Communion followed by coffee hour


5:30-6:00 pm

All are invited to join in a service of light and hope as we share in the ancient Christian practice of Evening Prayer, also called Vespers


10:00-10:30 am

Holy Eucharist and Healing Service

(in-person service)

We Strive for Reverence, Community,
Compassion, Commitment, and Reconciliation

Who We Are

At St. Augustine’s, our shared worship is at the center of our community life. Our services follow many of the worship traditions and seasons of the liturgical year. For newcomers, some elements of our worship might seem confusing. The most important thing to remember is that ALL are welcome here and you can’t do anything wrong! We encourage earnest questioning and are just happy you are here!

An inclusive, reconciling, and greening congregation serving Whidbey Island.

St. Augustine's in-the-Woods Episcopal Church is an LGBTQIA+ welcoming and affirming congregation 

Upcoming Events

  • Third Sunday in Lent

    Sunday, March 23, 2025

    The Rev. Jennifer B. Cleveland, Preaching and Presiding

    8:00 am Holy Eucharist, Rite I

    10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite II with Organ and Choir

  • St. A's Choir Rehearsal

    First, Second, and Third Wednesdays of Each Month, 5:00 - 7:00 pm

    All voice parts are welcome, ages high school and up; no audition required. Sense of humor preferred. Rehearsals are the first, second, and third Wednesdays of the month,

  • March Vestry Meeting

    March 25, 2025, 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm.

    For a full account of all that your Vestry undertakes, all of the minutes of Vestry meetings are available in the Member Portal (click below). Minutes are added after the Vestry has approved them (generally a month after each meeting date. Vestry meetings are open meetings. Visitors are welcome.

When & Where

We welcome you to join us in person or by our live-stream feed.

I’m New Here!

We know it can be intimidating visiting a church for the first time. Here you will find a warm welcome, an open and affirming community of faith, and worship for all.

Our Parish

No matter where you are, or where you've come from, there's a place for you at St. Augustine’s Church

Join us for Godly Play!

Godly Play PLUS (ages 4-11), 10:15 am – 11:15 am During the 10:30 service children from 4 to 11

At Godly play, children learn that God is with them not only here or there but everywhere!

St. Augustine’s, using the Godly Play program, offers lessons each Sunday from September to June.

Learn more about the Godly Play program

Click here to explore the Episcopalian community in the Diocese of Olympia & Worldwide!

There's always a place for you at St. Augustine’s Church

Make a One Time Gift or Pledge

Everyday is a gift from God. To make a one-time donation or pledge click the donate button below.

Read our quarterly publication The Light online or in print

Calendar of Events